
900 N. 14th St, suite 100
Leesburg, FL - 34748




(833) 950-2206


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Your review is for this website only. Call the Social Security Dept directly to ask a question.


  1. Feb 11, 2025

    I filed for disability benefits, and am trying to file for retirement benefits. I am on terminal hold on phone. The Leesburg FL OFFICE and national number. I want to make an appointment to file or file online. It appears I would be waiting for almost a year to be approved or denied disability. I have been hung up on while on hold twice. One national and one local office have disconnected my call. I am frustrated.

  2. Dec 5, 2024

    Apparently you must have an appointment now to even speak to a representative. I was turned away by a private security guard and unable to speak with a social security representative. I was given a phone number to call to set up an appointment. I was there in person and couldn’t set up a time to meet. Something is sorely amiss

  3. Dec 2, 2024

    Do I need to make an appointment for a consultation with you.

  4. May 25, 2023

    What do I need to replace a lost social security card

  5. Mar 30, 2023

    I just moved here from mass. I’m already on Medicare. Do I have to change anything?

  6. Mar 13, 2023

    I have moved to Florida and I need to get a social security card. Can I get one from here or do I need to get it from New York where I was born?

  7. Nov 16, 2021

    I am in Mexico what number is to fax international and yes i will pay all charges

  8. May 24, 2021

    Very helpful

  9. May 4, 2021

    I filled out an application for my son to get his social security card and I have not received it yet...

  10. Mar 14, 2021

    I need to make an appointment to apply for survivors benefits. I live in Ocala and have been trying to contact that office to schedule an appointment for 6 months and have not gotten a response . I am not seeing online that the Ocala office in temporarily closed down.

  11. Mar 11, 2021

    I have moved to new address in England How do I advise you of the change of address and my Bank details. Thanks

  12. Feb 8, 2021

    Great customer service!

  13. Jan 14, 2021

    I have been on hold to speak to a representative twice for over 14 minutes. Each time I was hung up on!

  14. Jan 14, 2021

    Very upholding and professional experiences every time I schedule an appointment.

  15. Jan 11, 2021

    I submitted a Request for Reconsideration regarding my part B premium and have not heard a word from this appeal. The appeal was hand carried to the the security guard at the front door in Leesburg and I asked him to deliver it to the lady with whom I spoke - I cannot remember her name but her name was on the envelope.

  16. Jan 7, 2021

    Sent the info for my ssi determination 3 times now you send me the same letter requesting again.

  17. Nov 30, 2020

    I would like to make an appointment to see an agent at the Leesburg office. There is a discrepancy about an over payment to my account that we need to straighten out. I have been unsuccessful at reaching you by phone.

  18. Aug 26, 2020

    I turn 65 in September 25. I need to talk to you about my Medicare benefits. I’m a federal employee who chooses to keep my Blue Cross/Blue Shield benefits, but need to sign up with Medicare for hospitalization.

  19. May 26, 2020

    When will you open for appointments

  20. Apr 15, 2020

    Hi I’m trying to apply for an application online but I forgot my username and password and I had a different email address and would like to change it cause I don’t remember it.

  21. Dec 26, 2019

    Dec 26th I received notice that benefits would not be paid as previously notified on Jan 8th, 2020. The letter stated that I was projected to earn over $68,000.00 in 2020. I retired from Walt Disney World on November 29th 2019. Therefore I will not be earning this amount during 2020. It is requested that my Retirement be reestablished and payment be made on or about January 8th, 2020.

  22. Nov 14, 2019

    I need to change my checking account to receive my Dec. l5th SS payment, How can I get my Social Security December benefit before January?

  23. Feb 21, 2019

    I would like to make an appointment to speak to someone about getting SSI for my granddaughter Adalynn Collins who is 7 yrs old and lives with me. She has been living with me for almost 2 yrs. I would also like to speak to someone about filing for disability for myself.

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****IMPORTANT: Social Security offices are offering more in-person appointments and have resumed in-person services for people without an appointment. To avoid waiting in line, they strongly encourage people to use the online services at or call them to schedule appointments in advance rather than walking in without an appointment.

Monday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Location DirectionsThe Office Is on the Corner of 14th St (Us Hwy 27) and Citizens Blvd. from North or South, Take U.s. Highway 27, Turn East on Citizens Blvd. from the West, Take State Road 44 East to Leesburg, Turn North on 14th St (Us Hwy 27). from the East, Take Us Hwy 441 into Leesburg and Turn West on Citizens Blvd. the Office Is on the First Floor of the Three Story Building on the Corner of 14th St (Us Hwy 27) and Citizens Blvd. the Parking Lot Can Be Accessed from Either 14th Street or Citizens Blvd.

Top Online Services on

You can go online at: for the following services. You can take care of these things without making an appointment at your local office.

Apply for Benefits
- Apply for Retirement Benefits
- Apply for Disability Benefits
- Apply for Medicare Benefits
- Appeal a Decision

Check Your Account Information
- View Your Latest SS Statement
- Review Your Earnings History
- Estimate Your Retirement Benefits
- Check Your Application Status

Updates To Your Account
- Change Your Address
- Direct Deposit Setup and Changes
- Print Proof of Benefits
- Print Out Your 1099 Form

SSI makes monthly payments to people who have low income and few resources and are:
Age 65 or older;
Blind; or

If you are applying for SSI, you can complete a large part of your application by visiting our website at You also can call us toll-free at 866-836-3623 to ask for an appointment with a Social Security representative.

Parents or guardians usually can apply for blind or disabled children under age 18. In some cases, other third parties can apply for children.

You should bring certain items when you apply. Even if you do not have all of the things listed below, apply anyway. The people in the Social Security office can help you get whatever is needed.
Please bring:
- Your Social Security card or a record of your Social Security number;
- Your birth certificate or other proof of your age;
- Information about the home where you live, such as your mortgage or your lease and landlord's name;
- Payroll slips, bank books, insurance policies, burial fund records and other information about your income and the things you own;
- The names, addresses and telephone numbers of doctors, hospitals and clinics that you have been to, if you are applying for SSI because you are disabled or blind;
- Proof of U.S. citizenship or eligible noncitizen status; and
- Your checkbook or other papers that show your bank, credit union or savings and loan account number. If you are approved for SSI, you must receive your
payments electronically. Payments may be made via direct deposit, the Direct Express® card program or an Electronic Transfer Account. For more information, visit

How to apply online?
Visit and select 'Apply online for disabilitybenefits.'
Fill out the Disability Benefit Application
Answer the questions on the Adult Disability Report
Mail or take the documents to this Social Security office.

The online forms are available to you seven days a week during the following hours (Eastern time):
Monday-Friday: 5 a.m. until 1 a.m.
Saturday: 5 a.m. until 11 p.m.
Sunday: 8 a.m. until 11:30 p.m.
Holidays: 5 a.m. until 11 p.m.

Opening Up a MySocialSecurity Account
If you paid in to Social Security or are looking for benefits, you will need to open a 'my Social Security' account. This is an online account directly from the Social Security Administration that lets you keep track of and manage your SSA benefits, and allows you to make changes to your Social Security record. My Social Security Account

Getting a Social Security Card OR Replacing A Social Security Card OR Correcting A Social Security Card
1. Learn what documents you'll need to get an original, replacement, or corrected Social Security card, whether it's for a child or adult, U.S. citizen or noncitizen. Documents List.
2. Read the instructions for and fill out an application for a new, replacement, or corrected card. Social Security Forms
3. Social Security cards aren't processed online. Print your application and find out where to take it in person or mail it.

Missing Social Security Checks or Payments
Contact the agency. The paying agency will provide you instructions on how to file a claim File the claim with the paying agency. (800) 772-1213.

Supplemental Security Income
Pays benefits based on financial need.

Social Security Disability
Public social insurance programs that replace income lost because of a physical or mental impairment severe enough to prevent a previously employed person from working. Monthly cash benefits are paid to the eligible individual with a disability and his or her eligible dependents throughout the period of disability.

SSI benefits also are payable to people 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial limits. People who have worked long enough may also be able to receive Social Security disability or retirement benefits as well as SSI.

Ask a Question

User Questions & Answers

  1. Posted by User onWednesday, March 12, 2025

    2 hours on hold nobody ever answered

  2. Posted by User onWednesday, August 3, 2022

    Not too lengthy

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I do an application online for social security
Yes. You can apply for benefits online (retirement, disability, medicare). Visit
How do I apply for a replacement Social Security number card?
There is no cost to obtain a free or new Social Security Card. Get an application at this web link: Then, either mail in your application or visit your local office. Try to make an appointment before visiting your location Social Security Office.
How do I change or correct my name on my Social Security number card?
If you legally change your name due to marriage, divorce, or any other reason, you need to go to your local office.
How do I apply for Social Security retirement benefits?
It is recommended that you apply for retirement benefits three months before you want your payments to start. Applying online at One or more of the following documents may be needed in order to apply online. The end of the online application will provide instructions on where to submit them. The documents we may ask for are: Original birth certificate or other proof of birth [more info] (You may also submit a copy of your birth certificate certified by the issuing agency); Proof of U.S. citizenship or lawful alien status if you were not born in the United States [more info]; Copy of your U.S. military service paper(s) (e.g., DD-214 - Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) if you had military service before 1968; [more info]; and Copy of your W-2 form(s) [more info] and/or self-employment tax return [more info] for last year.
How long will it take to get a Social Security card?
The Social Security Administration will mail your Social Security card as soon as they have all of the necessary information and have verified the appropriate documents. Generally, you will get your card within 10 business days from the date on your receipt.
How long would it take to get by mail my Disability Benefits Award Letter?
An award letter, AKA award notice, is what shows that a claim for benefits has been approved.
The Award letter is usually mailed to the recipient within a few months of Social Security approving their benefit application.
The Social Security office does not have an established deadline for mailing the award letters. Some claimants will get their letters even after Social Security has issued their first benefit payment or earlier than that.
The wait is longer if your case was decided on a hearing.
Apply for Benefits Here.
Can I schedule, reschedule, or cancel an appointment with Social Security, through your website?
No. We do not have direct contact with any of the offices listed on our website, we only provide the locations with the contact information, you must call them directly.
If I give you my Social Security Number and personal Information, can you check the Status of my case or check my application status?
No. We do not have direct contact with any of the offices listed on our website, we only provide the locations with the contact information, you must call them directly. We strongly advise that you do not provide your Social Security Number or personal information through this website or any other website. Contact your local Social Security office directly in order to obtain your case status or for more information.
What is SSI (Supplemental Security Income)?
SSI provides monthly payments to adults and children who have low income, few resources, and who are blind or disabled. SSI also provides monthly payments to people age 65 and older with limited income and resources, who are not blind or disabled.
How Much Can You Get from SSI?
The basic monthly federal amount for 2021 is the same nationwide:
$794 for one person, or
$1,191 for a couple

Not everyone gets the same amount. You may get more if you live in a state that adds money to the federal SSI payment. On the other hand, you may get less if you have other income such as wages, pensions, or Social Security benefits. You may also get less if someone pays your household expenses. You may also get less if you live with a spouse and he or she has income.
Should I Apply for SSI?
To get a monthly payment you must:
Be at least age 65 OR be blind or disabled;
Have limited income (wages, pensions, etc.);
Have limited resources (the things you own);
Be a U.S. citizen, a national of the U.S., or some noncitizens; and
Reside in one of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, or the Northern Mariana Islands.

Exception: The children of military parent(s) assigned to permanent duty outside the U.S. and certain students temporarily abroad may receive SSI payments outside the U.S.
How Can You Apply for SSI?
You can apply for SSI by calling our toll-free number at 877-483-0689. The phone lines are open between 8 am and 7 pm. Office staff can provide more information about SSI and schedule an appointment to take your application over the telephone.

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